Newspaper Knowledge

  1. According to the index, what pages are the following found on: classified ads, sports, editorials, local news, weather, and the crossword puzzle?
  2. Find the following information: the telephone number would you call and the starting weekly cost for a home delivered subscription to the newspaper. The name of the editor and publisher of the newspaper. A comic strip showing a working woman. The score from a local sporting event. The names of three wire services used by the newspaper.
  3. Clip and label an example of each of the following: index, byline, cutline, dateline and headline.
  4. Find a newspaper article that is about each of the following: a meeting of a government agency, a press conference, a disaster or unexpected happening, the schools.
  5. Find five stories from different cities. Then find five stories different states and five stories from different countries. Locate each of these cities, states and countries on a map.
  6. Project yourself into societies in which there are no newspapers. Make a list of all the functions provided by the newspaper, including such things as providing news, serving as an advertising medium, social announcements, upcoming events, critical reviews, etc. How would each of these functions be met in a newspaperless society?
  7. Scan the newspaper and name some of the beats covered by reporters. If you were a reporter, what beat would you like to cover and why?
  8. Make a chart showing examples of the vocabulary variations that appear in different sections of the newspaper. For instance, the jargon used by the food editor and sports editor would probably be quite different.
  9. In the newspaper, find examples of editorials that are written to: inform the reader, interpret the news for the reader, entertain the reader, and influence the reader.
  10. Use the classified section to buy materials or hire services to help you cross the following barriers: a snake pit, a barbed wire fence, a 10 foot wall, a 20 foot deep moat with snapping crocodiles, an angry giant. Compare your selected products and services with your classmates.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Thursday, August 17, 2017