ABOUT: The NFB-NEWSLINE is a free audio news service for anyone who is blind, low-vision, deafblind, or otherwise print-disabled that offers access to publications, news media, emergency weather alerts, job listings, and more. It offers access to national newspapers and local newspapers such as the Concord Monitor, the Union Leader, and the Seacoast.
WHO: The Governor’s Commission on Disability is a recipient for an annual appropriation which funds NFB-NEWSLINE access for NH residents.
REGISTER: Contact the NH State Library, Talking Book Services via phone at (603) 271-3429 or via email at DCR-TalkingBooks@dncr.nh.gov, by filling out the online application on the National Federation of the Blind’s website: http://www.nfbnewsline.net/Nl2/NL2NewUserReqInput.jsp or by calling the National Federation of the Blind at 866-504-7300 to request an application.
WHAT: NH-TEAP (New Hampshire Telecommunications Equipment Assistance Program)
ABOUT: The NH-TEAP provides specialized telephone landline equipment for people who have difficulty using a standard phone due to a disability such as vision loss, hearing loss or challenges to speech or mobility.
WHO: The Governor’s Commission on Disability administers the program and contracts with Future in Sight who provides the services.
HOW TO APPLY: First, fill out the NH-TEAP Application form and have your medical provider fill out the Disability Certification form. Then, send both forms to Future in Sight for processing. Staff are available to assist in the application process.
LINK: For the TEAP Application Form, Disability Certification Form, and more information: https://futureinsight.org/teap/
CONTACT: services@futureinsight.org
WHAT: Rekindling Curiosity, a camp grant program created in partnership with the NH Department of Education, various NH camps, and various NH school-age programs.
ABOUT: The NH Department of Education has partnered with various NH camps and school-age programs to create an opportunity for children to move beyond COVID-19 and be a kid again. Eligible students will have up to $750 of their youth recreation camp fees covered by the NH Department of Education at participating camps and programs. Covers fees for programs occurring between June 1st and August 31st
LINK: For more information and how to apply: https://rekindlingcuriosityeducation.nh.gov/
NOTE: Space is Limited.
CONTACT: Rekindling@doe.nh.gov
WHAT: “Organizing from A-Z with your IEP”, hosted by Parent Information Center
ABOUT: The special education process works best when parents and educators are able to work in partnership to meet the needs of children with disabilities. This comprehensive, 1-day seminar will provide participants with the tools they need to be better informed and more effective members of a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team. A packet of handouts will accompany the presentation. Topics that will be covered include: An overview of the NH special education law and process; The IEP, including tips to help prepare for and participate in IEP Team meetings; and Effective communication strategies.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 7, 5:00pm-6:00pm
WHERE: Online and In-Person
LINK: To register and learn more: https://bit.ly/41K42kD
CONTACT: 603-224-7005 or canderson@picnh.org
WHAT: February 2024 First Responder Retreat, hosted by Camp Resistance and Forge VFR
ABOUT: Participants will explore topics such as navigating the transition into retirement, finding purpose, strengthening mental and physical health, avoiding isolation and boredom, and creating structure and thriving in retirement. Activities include hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, tai chi, yoga, fireside chats, and medication. Activities will be adapted to individual abilities. NOTE: Lodging, meals, and activities are provided at no cost to participants.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 20- Friday, February 23
FOR: First Responders
WHERE: Lakes Region NH
LINK: To learn more about and register: https://camp-resilience.org/retreat/first-responder-retreat-feb- 2024/
CONTACT: info@camp-resilience.org or (978) 219-4003
WHAT: Annual Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest, hosted by Children’s System of Care
ABOUT: Students in grades 5-12 are invited to submit a creative piece about their experiences and connections to mental health. Winners will be awarded cash prizes at the celebration event on May 24, 2023, held at Silver Hall, Plymouth State College.
HOW: Students can participate by:
• Creating a short film, singing a song, producing a performance (such as spoken word pierce or interpretative dance, maximum of 2 minutes)
• Writing an essay or poem (1000 words or less)
• Designing an expression using a medium such as sculpture, photography, paining, or diorama, etc.
DUE DATE: Sunday, April 21, 2024
LINK: For more information: https://nhcsoc.org/magnify-voices/participate/
CONTACT: Magnifyvoices@gmail.com