ABOUT: The NFB-NEWSLINE is a free audio news service for anyone who is blind, low-vision, deafblind, or otherwise print-disabled that offers access to publications, news media, emergency weather alerts, job listings, and more. It offers access to national newspapers and local newspapers such as the Concord Monitor, the Union Leader, and the Seacoast.
WHO: The Governor’s Commission on Disability is a recipient for an annual appropriation which funds NFB-NEWSLINE access for NH residents.
REGISTER: Contact the NH State Library, Talking Book Services via phone at (603) 271-3429 or via email at DCR-TalkingBooks@dncr.nh.gov, by filling out the online application on the National Federation of the Blind’s website: http://www.nfbnewsline.net/Nl2/NL2NewUserReqInput.jsp or by calling the National Federation of the Blind at 866-504-7300 to request an application.
WHAT: NH-TEAP (New Hampshire Telecommunications Equipment Assistance Program)
ABOUT: The NH-TEAP provides specialized telephone landline equipment for people who have difficulty using a standard phone due to a disability such as vision loss, hearing loss or challenges to speech or mobility.
WHO: The Governor’s Commission on Disability administers the program and contracts with Future in Sight who provides the services.
HOW TO APPLY: First, fill out the NH-TEAP Application form and have your medical provider fill out the Disability Certification form. Then, send both forms to Future in Sight for processing. Staff are available to assist in the application process.
LINK: For the TEAP Application Form, Disability Certification Form, and more information: https://futureinsight.org/teap/
CONTACT: services@futureinsight.org
WHAT: Accessible Voting Training Series, hosted by Future in Sight
ABOUT: With the New Hampshire Primary Election coming up in January 2024, Future in Sight will be hosting trainings on the New Hampshire Accessible Voting System. If you would like to learn how to use the system, attend a training.
• Thursday, December 7, 11:30am-12:30pm Keene Recreation Center on 312 Washington Street in Keene, NH
• Thursday, December 14, 12:00-1:00pm, Future in Sight on 25 Walker Street in Concord, NH
• Thursday, December 21, 12:00-1:00pm Marion Gerrish Center on 39 Broadway in Derry, NH
REGISTRATION: https://www.classy.org/event/accessible-voting-trainings/e424642/register/new/select-tickets
CONTACT: (603) 224-4039 or info@futureinsight.org
WHAT: “Blame it on Gutenberg”, a in-person film premiere and Parent Information Center Q&A, hosted by the Parent Information Center of NH, NH International Dyslexia Association, and the NH Chapter of the Academic Language Therapy Association
ABOUT: Come watch Blame It on Gutenberg, a documentary about the science of dyslexia, dueling theories about literacy instruction, and one family’s struggle. Then, hear from the Parent Information Center of New Hampshire as they share their resources with the audience.
WHEN: Thursday, December 7, 5-7pm
WHERE: Manchester Community College, 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102
LINK: To register and learn more: https://tinyurl.com/4m9wd82n
CONTACT: (603) 229-7355, info.nnea@ida-nnea.org
NOTE: RSVP by December 5
WHAT: Individual and Family Listening Sessions, hosted by NH DHHS Bureau of Developmental Services
ABOUT: The Bureau of Developmental Services is kicking off a series of individual and family listening sessions to hear feedback, experiences, and thoughts from individuals and families. These sessions are the first of an ongoing series of sessions to help shape the work ahead; to improve and innovate the Developmental Disabilities service system.
DATES AND LOCATIONS: • Tuesday, December 5, 6-7:30 pm Brown Auditorium on 139 Pleasant Street in Concord, NH •Thursday, December 7, 6-7:30pm https://tinyurl.com/jvbmbptc Meeting ID: 883 8649 6950 Passcode: 495755 •Tuesday, December 12, 6:00-7:30pm https://tinyurl.com/jvbmbptc Meeting ID: 883 8649 6950 Passcode: 495755
LINK: For more information: https://tinyurl.com/4k7rhz8d
NOTE: If accommodations are required for communication access such as interpreters, CART (captioning), assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services, please contact Peggy Sue Greenwood at peggy.s.greenwood@dhhs.nh.gov or (603) 271-5034. At least 5 business days advance notice is requested in order to assure availability; requests made fewer than 5 days prior to the event will attempt to be accommodated but cannot be guaranteed.
WHAT: Toys for Tots Campaign, hosted by the NH State Troopers
ABOUT: During the months of November and December, the State Police will be hosting several events throughout the state to collect toys to distribute to children in need this holiday season. This initiative will begin on Saturday, November 11, 2023, and will run through Friday, December 8, 2023. New, unwrapped toys can be donated at any of the scheduled toy collection events or at one of their collection sites, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
NOTE: For a full list of collection events and collection sites, visit https://tinyurl.com/2axdhkh4
ONLINE DONATIONS FROM AMAZON CAN BE SHIPPED TO: Amber Lagace PIO, NHSP — Operations Bureau, 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305
WHAT: Winter Awards Ceremony, hosted by the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities ABOUT: Join in honoring this year’s award recipients:
• Legislative Champion: Senator Rebecca Kwoka Perkins
• Advocate of the Year: Katie Kelly
• The Smilie Award, Recognizing Inclusive Recreation: Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country
WHEN: Thursday, December 14, 11:00am-2:00pm
WHERE: Grappone Conference Center on 70 Constitution Avenue in Concord, NH
NOTE: CART services will be provided. Please inform the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities if you need any accommodations.
LINK: For more information: https://www.nhcdd.nh.gov/