Job Fair

Glenn Matthews speaks with airport staff at a job fair at the baggage claim at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport in Manchester last year.

Already open fewer hours due to staffing woes, Throwback Brewery in North Hampton sometimes needs to take tables out of service to make sure it has enough employees to tend to customers.

“I have not seen a market like this in finding workers or not finding candidates since we opened” 11 years ago, co-founder Nicole Carrier said during a sparsely attended job fair in Portsmouth last week.

What's Working

What’s Working

What’s Working, a series exploring solutions for New Hampshire’s workforce needs, is sponsored by the New Hampshire Solutions Journalism Lab at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and is funded by Eversource, Fidelity Investments, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, the New Hampshire College & University Council, Northeast Delta Dental and the New Hampshire Coalition for Business and Education.

Contact reporter Michael Cousineau at To read stories in the series, visit