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IN EARLY 2021 our New Hampshire House Education Committee held a hearing on a transgender sports measure. I had serious concerns about biological (XY chromosome) boys playing contact sports against biological (XX chromosome) girls, but naturally wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts.

IN ANY industry, failing to meet the expectations of consumers — especially a significant number of them — spells disaster for a business. If I ran a restaurant and 75% of the people who ate my food left with food poisoning, I wouldn’t just go out of business — the state would shut me down a…

Our guide and submission requirements for op-eds. (500-800 words)

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

LAST YEAR was a record-breaking year for organ donation and transplant here in New Hampshire and across the nation. In fact, it was the 13th consecutive record-breaking year for life-saving organ transplants in the country, with more than 46,000 organ transplants performed in 2023 — includin…

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

AS A PARENT, I am concerned with the rising use of recreational marijuana in society, especially in our youth and young adults. As a physician I see firsthand the effects of marijuana on health, and it is clear the marijuana on our streets in 2024 is not the same marijuana we or our parents …

ALL EYES were on New Hampshire’s pivotal role in the Republican presidential primary last month. Outside of the political arena, everyday organizations can change their leadership model well before November to have an immediate positive impact on their workforce.

Monday, February 12, 2024

IN THE spring of 1945, I was playing in an alley near our house when church bells started ringing all over town. I was only 5 years old, but I knew it wasn’t Sunday, so I thought it was unusual. I went inside and asked my mother, “Mom, why are the bells ringing?” She replied, “The war is over.”

AS A retired priest of the diocese of Manchester, in January, I received notice of clergy pastoral assignments. Eleven were listed. I recognized only two. Nine are not even listed as clergy on the diocesan website, though here for some time. One unlisted was named pastor; it seemed immediate…

WOULD YOU hire an employee for your business who had a track record of lying? Would you want your son or daughter to marry someone who lied so often that you couldn’t trust them? What if your child lied to you? Would you let them off without facing any consequences?

Saturday, February 10, 2024
Friday, February 09, 2024