ONE OF OUR long-standing traditions here at the New Hampshire Union Leader is annually recognizing 40 residents who eagerly give their time and talents to volunteer pursuits that strengthen and enrichment communities all across New Hampshire.

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New weekend edition; no newspaper Monday
As a reminder to readers, the New Hampshire Sunday News is now being published on Saturdays. The color Sunday comics are inside this new weekend edition, along with Saturday comics and the puzzle pages for both weekend days. This week, the Union Leader will not be published on Monday in observance of Presidents Day.

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married 32 years. I cannot remember the last time he asked me about my day, let alone my life, without a prompt from me. I feel ignored and emotionally neglected.


Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley assailed Donald Trump’s foreign policy, condemning the former president for his silence on the death of Russian opposition leader Alexander Navalny.


A hiker was rescued off of Mt. Avalon in Bethlehem on Saturday afternoon.


A hiker was injured Saturday afternoon descending Welch Mountain in Waterville Valley, according to New Hampshire Fish and Game.


PHILADELPHIA — Former President Donald Trump made a brief stop in Philadelphia on Saturday to announce his new sneaker brand and remind a crowd of sneakerheads to vote.


Flanked by armed National Guard members, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) announced on Friday plans to build a base housing up to 1,800 troops in Eagle Pass, close to the riverfront area where state leaders have been at loggerheads with the Biden administration over immigration enforcement.


ORLANDO, Fla. — NASA was riding a high after the overall success of Artemis I when the uncrewed rocket made a test run to the moon and back in 2022, so the message remained full steam ahead to push for a crewed Artemis II flight in 2024 and the return of humans to the moon in 2025.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

It appears that the New Hampshire state Senate must once again be the public’s best defense against yet another attempt to legalize a dangerous drug. It is a drug that is getting more dangerous all the time.

AS DEDICATED building contractors and proud members of the New Hampshire business community, we are compelled to voice our opposition to the so-called “right-to-work” laws that make their way into the New Hampshire state legislative agenda time and time again. Despite the legislature’s wise rejection of these bills in the past, the debate continually resurfaces — a debate that is at odds w…

AT THE World Government Summit, Tucker Carlson told a gathering of world leaders that Moscow was “so much nicer than any city” in the United States. “It’s radicalizing for an American to go to Moscow,” Carlson went on. “I didn’t know that. I’ve learned it this week, to Singapore, to Tokyo, to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, because these cities, no matter how we’re told they’re run and on what princi…

Friday, February 16, 2024

IN EARLY 2021 our New Hampshire House Education Committee held a hearing on a transgender sports measure. I had serious concerns about biological (XY chromosome) boys playing contact sports against biological (XX chromosome) girls, but naturally wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts.

ON CNN, a “reporter” interviewing Vice President Kamala Harris gushes, “I’m struck, just in your presence! Looking you in the eye, with your passion ... “

Thursday, February 15, 2024

IN ANY industry, failing to meet the expectations of consumers — especially a significant number of them — spells disaster for a business. If I ran a restaurant and 75% of the people who ate my food left with food poisoning, I wouldn’t just go out of business — the state would shut me down and maybe even investigate me for criminal activity.

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